We offer various payment methods for your convenience. Please carefully review and adhere to our payment instructions. Options include online payment via credit card or bank transfer.
Additionally, we accept cash and card payments at our branches. Ensure you thoroughly read and understand our payment instructions.

1. Pay online
Make payment online with your credit or debit card. Please carefully read the instructions below.

Must read!!
1. Please receive authorisation before making payment. Authorisation must be done same-day on phone or email
2. Please make sure we have availability for your selected dates before making payment
3. All online payments are final & non-refundable.
Instructions to pay online
1. Call/Email to Confirm payment amount
2. Click PAY NOW
3. Enter agreed amount and submit
4. Call or email us after payment
Contacts for payments
083 - 728 - 1504
2. Bank Transfer / Cash
Make EFT payment directly from your bank account. Please carefully read the instructions below.

Bank account
We accept bank transfer and direct cash deposit, Please use the following banking details for EFT or direct bank deposit.
Bank: Standard Bank
Name: Covesto Pty Ltd
Account number: 371917751
Reference: Your name & Check in date
Must read!!
Please email proof of payment to
For payment allocation, please give us a call immediately after payment.
Proof of payment must be sent directly from your bank. Proof of payment from personal or company’s email may not be accepted.
All payments are final and non-refundable